Monday, April 23, 2012

Jour Vingt et Un


Oh hi, I didn't see you there. Today is day 21, which means 9 more days of fucking misery pride knowing I'm saving all the animals.

Today is also ACTUALLY a great day because today is the day that Sean comes to visit! YAY!  Recap on Sean re: Rio. Here. 5 months. 5 long months to wait.....

Yeah. We're going to Rio. And we ARE going to rent a motorbike in Rio.

 We were going to go to the beach, but due to this overcast whether, that unfortunately is not an option, so instead we decided to make the best of it and EAT LOTS OF FOOD. YEAH. Get me some trader Joe's!!

Sean is the son of a chef so he absolutely knows how to cook.  Which is AWESOME, because every time he comes we just go halvsies on our grocery's and then we cook. And by cook I mean, I watch him cook and drink wine while he cooks. But I pull my weight by cleaning up everything afterwords. Pictured below is our main course, delicious pasta with marinara, olive oil, olives, tomato's, caramelized onions, pepper, & Tofu.OMNOM

Today we made DELICIOUS vegan Brushetta, omg, omgomgomg. This is making me want to learn how to cook. Maybe....just maybe I might try out some of it. orrrr maybe just EAT ALL OF IT.

I never really liked cooking which is why I've never done it. But you know what blog world...I'm debating on giving it a go. Maybe this weekend...maybe next....probably next, no...probably the weekend after that...or maybe next month...yeah, lets go with that

What did we do after eating way too much delicious vegan food? Drank too much wine and watched Mad men of course. And can we talk about this episode for a minute?? It's AH-MAZING. SO GOOD. SO GOOD. Yeah, caps. Roger Sterling, you're my hero, Peggy Olson, you're my hero. Don Draper...not so much. Megan, you're hot, dump this bozo.

It's so cool to spend time with someone that I've known for so long and realize how much we both really have changed with the times. I remember the last time that he was here, woof. Was I in a bad place. Still in the throws of my last mistake relationship break up, misery at work, misery all around. Now it's so nice to be at a job that I love, doing things I love and surrounded by people I love. mmmmLOVE

Sean and I also went over our RIO plans! YESSSSSSSsRIOOOoOOoO. Basically we're going April 6-13. a Sunday through Saturday (we need a day to recuperate, lets be honest).  And we found the most delicious apartment to stay at. I hope it's available!! It's through Oasis rentals, and so far working with them has been a pleasure. Way to go Oasis.

The days can not come soon enough when Sean and I are site-seeing on the beach, then cooking in our apartment, and speaking Portuguese.  October 6th. I'm looking right at you.

Back in a week.

Over & Out.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jour Vingt


you know what that means? It means get shit done day. YEAH. Today I opened with the usual boring vegan cereal and fruit that was too boring to take a photo of.  I was also too shameful after last night to be playing along right now.

Today we start with work work work work. WORK. work work workwork. and it never ends, that's the crazy part, like when will I not have something to do? Never apparently.

After I finally got a whole bunch of ish done, I put my boot straps on and did my hair. We're doing a "tomboy" comb-over today, and I have to say, I'm kind of in love with this/am going to do my hair like this forever and ever...or at least until it goes out of style.

Start with going to the bike shop and buying a new helmet, since some asshole animal peed on my other one. (dick) Like who does that?? come on animals! pee on plants, not bike helmet. And whenever i go into Honda of Hollywood, I always get what I need but I get treated like a dinosaur in the modern age. Yeah, I'm a girl, yeah, I ride a bike. Don't be a dick, kthnx And am now the proud owner of two helmets. YEAH.

So today we continue the Redecorating Saga! I know you all are super stoked on this. Well, at least my followers on pintrest are. I have no idea how that site actually works, just that people seem to be liking what I'm posting. That's cool!

On the purchasing agenda today: New night stand & Table lamp! Project Redecorate: GO!

As stated earlier, I drive a vespa sooo it's pretty illogical for me to head up to Burbank in the hopes of putting a bedstand on the back of my two wheels. But, Sammi was kind enough to come with me up over the hill to the vast land of Ikea since she shares my deep love for this sweedish masterpiece.

Here's the thing, how can you not like Ikea? I mean, it's pretty much heaven on earth. You get to play around and pretend you live in all these amazing places.Voici my montage du Ikea.

I wish I could live in ikea. Well, I guess I can. ...and I am.

Super sad though when they didn't have my lamp! Boo! But thanks to Sammi I was able to find a very nice lamp instead. Could I have waited? ...Probably not considering my old one was melting/about to catch on fire. Orange Lamp & Orange hat, and wow I've just figured out that Sammi is executing a not to subtle plot to make everything I own orange.

 Upon returning we began the task of assembling this beast while simultaneously getting ready to go out. And I have to say, I am very impressed with Sammi's IKEA assembling skills. She either has had lots of practice or needs to become a man so I can figure out a way to marry her.

We went to this super cool art show in the Industrial District, and for those of you how don't know what the Industrial District is, it's kind of like Brooklyn, but with parking, no street traffic, and about 5 times as dangerous. (well, then most area's of brooklyn.)

The Industrial District harbors one of my favorite restaurants called "Church & State," that I really do want to figure out a way to go back to soon. They have a delicious eclectic menu and delicious eclectic drinks. If you ever want to go on an adventure, go to this restaurant.

So Sammi and I got all fashion pretentious dressed up and headed on down south to our warehouse fashion show. The entire time I did feel like I was in some TV show or something, because it did feel like an event that was unreal. Filled with lots of "too cool for school" people of all ages, free food, free drinks. (you know...three appetizer platters, but whatever).

The show was super fun and I may or may not have met someone. Who knows? (I do)

End night with me thinking it's a great idea to finish building my night stand post alcohol unit consumption, and by god. I did it. It may have taken me until 2, but I did it.

Over & Out.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Jour Dix-Neuf

Today is the day. Yes. That day.


Oh and it's 420. A date that would mean something to me if I actually smoked pot. Considering the last time I did was with Main Squeeze back in January for a hike, then the time before that was two years ago I think? This is what happens when you get traumatized from being a stoner's girlfriend for over a year, then somehow rooming with another one the year following. You grow up and get over it real fast. know, after playing along for a bit.

We're skipping yesterdays blog for fear that someone dies of boredom, it's only so exciting to talk about how much work I'm getting done. I is actually exciting to me to be productive, but that's a personal pleasure I doubt that anyone here cares about.

Okay, so I've got 11 days left on this shtick. And if could not come sooner. Why did I have to get up on my soapbox and try and save a bunch of animals and shit? Screw you animals! ....sorry I take that back, I love the animals. Could not get enough of them and their happiness.

How am I going to balance this when I switch back? Do I want to switch back? (yes) I wonder...I might see if I can be vegan like Sundays, tuesdays and wednesdays? Does that work? or Saturday's, tuesdays and wednesdays? Or Sat, Sun, Tues & Weds? GAH. Lets see if I can keep this exciting while being a vegetarian.

Today for lunch we got catering from Mendocino Farms. OMG. So good. It's like one of those places where the food is essentially crack. it makes you feel good, it tastes great, you can't get enough. MOREMOREMORE. So stoked that they opened one at Santa Monica & La Brea.

I have the Vegan Club. Veganaise, Tempeh Bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, onions. THIS is a sandwich I would stay vegan for. Yeah. I'll do Sat, Tues & wednesdays in vegan land. Thanks sandwich, you just contributed to saving some cows and stuff.

Today at work I decided to step up the birthday game ever so. I mean, if you're going to throw a party for someone, you might as well go all out. I got my co-workers Michele, Logan and Blake in on it too.

Ahhh, I love my office. I love where I work. Honestly, not a day goes by when I don't count the lucky stars that I am fortunate to work at a place where it's acceptable to wear a to-scale cut out of your coworkers face on your own and your name in stickers on your chest.

After festivities, somehow I made the decision that I would participate in festivities of a more...uhm, topical nature. :) Hey, I mean, it is vegan! And for some reason I thought my feet were super cool while I was you know,  celebrating April 20th with some great people!

And here is unfortunately where it all goes array. In my faded state of champagne and inhaled plants, I understood that A) I would not be making it out to my friends birthday party later that night especially due to the fact I have to wake up early and B) I WAS HUNGRY.

So I did the christian thing per smart advice of my coworker and invited my good friend Kim out to dinner with a livingsocial deal  for Gardens of Taxco that I had purchased back in January to use with Main Squeeze. Ahh, relationships come and go but livingsocial last forever.

Unfortunately, I went to use it two months ago, and they wouldn't accept it! Despite being sat right before seven they said that it could not be used between 7-10 on a Saturday. Me, being super logical through a fucking FIT in the middle of the restaurant. Like honestly could have had the cops called on me, because of how rude the staff was and how pissed off it made me.

So instead of letting my 20 dollars go to waste, I figured, HEY, fuck you gardens of Taxco, I WILL eat some food from you and use this groupon. You don't own me!

And eat we did. 100% delicious 100% NOT vegan food. My mantra at the time, I DONT CARE GIVE ME MEXICAN NOMS.

Bad vegan, bad vegan.

Did my night go on? Nope. I found myself into my purple walled room and passed the fuck out in a blissful full and delicious state. And do I regret it? ...maybe a little bit. (no).

Over & Out.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jour Dix-Sept

Trucking on, trucking on, one vegan french over-extended day at a time.

Today, I'm not going to lie, I was hungover. But only half as hungover as I would have been if it were a real birthday party. Sorry, that joke was too easy. ...But also very true.

Oohh, one of my favorite moments in life, looking over and seeing Joey Brown taking jello shots to the song and pace of "Shot, Shot, Shot, ShotShot." Bestbirfdayever25thedition was truly a masterpiece in all forms.

To cure my lack of h20 and whatever else you're lacking when you're hungover, I woke up and made a vegan masterpiece. It involved an english muffin, veganaise, fake ham, lettuce, tomato & a bit of balsamic. Omg. Did. The. Trick. There's your handy sandwich folks.

Honestly, one thing I was worried about when I went vegan was that I wouldn't be able to have a decent sandwich, but I have to say, that really isn't the case. There's so many substitutes and places that can make something similar that options are everywhere. Big fan of Hugos, larchmont & Doughboys to that extent.

Despite any feelings my head might have, I decided to keep going with #impulsefashionweek and really attempt me some rockabilly style. I'm really happy with it too, got lots of compliments, always good for the ego....Sabrina says that she only compliments strangers if she really likes what they're wearing, so thanks everyone! Ugh...this paragraph feels really cheesy. Welp, here's a picture of my hair. hahaha.

And what is this blogger? new format? Do I like this? I don't know! AHHH change! Ugh 13 days until I can have cheese. That's all I want right now. Just a big plate of eggs with pancakes and soy bacon in a sandwich inside a sandwich. bahh. The struggle gets more and more difficult each day.

So today was a big day because  I had my first big french test. I hope all of this is paying off...for my grade that doesn't even matter. hahah. But really, I'd like to think I actually know some french by this point, and also because I'm considering taking French 3 next semester just to keep this trend going.

For lunch I ordered from Omi Sushi, a place which I have liked in the past but now am not a fan of. It just came out super bland, and they botched part of our order. Then when I asked them to send over what they forgot, they didn't apologize and acted like I was the one in the wrong. No, no, Omi Sushi. You are the weakest link, goodbye.

So next time we're switched to Kazuko Sushi, a place right down the street from me that I really like. But I'm not sure if that will stick. Guess we'll just have to fine out!

Here's what's awesome, this arrived in the mail today:

I hope that if you're reading this (and live in CA), that you're going to go out and vote on June 5th. Just because it's a small election doesn't mean it's not a big deal. It's SUPER important to make sure we have the right senators in office. And yes, by right I do mean liberal hahah, but I mean, imagine if somehow Dirk Allen Knopik who describes himself as "Christian, Veteran, America. NRA, VFW, American Legion. Will stand boldly for Christ," get's elected. Woof.  Or if Prop 28 gets passed, weakening our senators terms? Or Prop 29 doesn't go through? I mean, why would you vote no to benefit Cancer research, wtf is wrong with you?

Plowed through this french test with mixed feelings. and totally blanked on the freaking word etre. bahh, Sassy, get with it. It's vous etes! Wamp wamp. Sassy, don't epic fail this.

Today however I did come home to....A PURPLE WALL!!! YEAH!!!!  Finally! After a week of having this weird shit on my wall. I am so stoked on it to. Think it came out great!

Omg, so much better, just so much better. It's all zen and shit. Can't wait to go to ikea this weekend to get my new bedstand et all. I'm gonna make my space a grown'd up space even if it kills me. Well...maybe won't go that far. But this is all happening.

Over & Out.