Anyway today I woke up and just went to it!! WORK WORK, MUSH, Sassy MUSH! I am a working machine. (throw in some vegan cereal in there) sorry I forgot to take a photo because I was too busy over-extending myself.
How funny (I guess), weekends when you're single can actually be spent doing things that YOU want to do, I spent today cleaning, writing, learning french, working out, painting, you know being all artistic and shit, like the artsy vegan hippie that I am. MAN. So fun being single.... (actually it's pretty fun)
Finally I surfaced around 5PM to figure out how the hell to get my bike from Mary's place. Turns out the solution was, TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.
Now, some of you might be wondering...wait, there's public transportation in LA? I assure there know you've seen it. It's that big elephant sized vehicle that always gets in your way when you ride in the right lane.
I remember when I was with MS he totally flipped when I told him that I take the bus from time to time. "You don't take the bus!" "I assure you, I do." because...uhhh...YEAH I take the bus. I didn't have a vespa until 2009 which means I spent 6 years living in Southern California without a car. Public Transportation is AWESOME. It's free, saves the environment... and is a great resource when you're going out into hollywood and wanna get crunk.
So today I trecked through two hours just to get from Silverlake to the grove. (ugh) but I made it out alive! and with only one attempt of being accosted by a homeless man.
However at Mary's we enter the problem that my bike is in her backyard...which is locked by a fence. I assumed it would be as easy as the first time I did hopped this bad boy...but evidently not. I went to hop up that beast stuck. Then a very nice mexican man shouted at me from down the alley "Hey, you need some help?" Me: "Suree..!" Then when I got stuck AGAIN, ripping my favorite pair of pants (UGH) another mexican man shouted over, "Hey you guys need some help?"
Insert Micah B's commentary "I like how these guys didn't ask if that was your house. Instead they just went to 'do you need some help.'" Me, "Ahhh, come on! Have you seen this face?"
Anyway, the nice men boosted me over the fence, I hopped on the bike and sped the fuck out of there.
In the spirit of public transportation Sammi and I decided to take the subway to Colleen's birthday party downtown! YEAH! GET IT. VROOM VROOM. (or something)
Okay, but here's the problem with the LA subway, besides you know, not enforcing people to pay to take it. The time schedule! It's so whack! Like the trains only come every 15 minutes and it stops running at midnight!! What is this ish?? What is it?? Wutever, NBD.
Colleen's party is at this super awesome bar/restaurant called Senor Fish. I went their for fourth of July last year and had a blast. The food is supeerrrrr good. I didn't really want to press for ordering tough so instead just ate a WHOLE buncha chips.
I really liked the vibe of the place, maybe it was also just being surrounded by good company, but I feel like overall the place was super chill. Rad outdoor area, a dance floor, Noms, Drink, MMM sign me up. So yes, check this place out if you go downtown. And GOOD PICK COLLEEN!
Due to a superb hook up as well we all were able to get some free drinks, and you know what. You can't fight that. Nope you can't. And yes I will have that tequila shot. (again, rave drink review here)
Oh yeah and more faces happened.
Sammi and I ran (literally) back to the subway to make sure we caught one before the whole situation shut down. (also I was hoping to not run into an ex...mrrrraggh...and she had to work early) We must've grabbed one of the last one because the whole train was more or less deserted, save two quite tipsy young hipsters and some weird sculpture of a man hanging from the ceiling. Oh Los weird weird friend.
Now that we left to go to bed early, we both realized how FAMISHED we were and decided to hop to the nearest diner, known as Fred 62. In the past I really liked fred 62, but I have to say no mas. Strike one, could not sub cheese w/tofu (that I knew they had), strike two, they left mayo on my sandwich, strike three, they CHARGED FOR BBQ SAUCE. wtf is this?!?!? You don't JUST order onion rings, you order onion rings ...AND, this I find to be super steep and uncalled for. Fred 62, you LOSE.
So in a sense I broke my veganism by eating that mayo, but you have to understand, I WAS FAMISHED!!!!
Did I watch battlestar galactica when I got home? I don't know, do most vegans eat lettuce?
Over & Out.
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