Monday, April 9, 2012

Jour Huit

Wake up and I'm still in the Valley. AHHHHH!!!! Just kidding, it's not that bad. This house rocks, it's the rest of this town that freaking creeps me out like no other...Why, why are cars so big and so gas guzzling necessary? Why so much bag jeans and trashy hair do's?

Anyway, wake up, say goodbye to dog and go on my merry way to work. While driving count my blessings that I live literally five minutes from my office. Since other people can multi task on their phones while hitting the road in their four wheels, I would lose an infinite amount of time driving around on the scoot if I had to go further.

Today it has been decreed that I'm going to re-decorate my entire room. I figure if I'm going to be 25 1/2 on Tuesday, I might as well start acting like a grown'd up and have a grown'd up place aka, get rid of all my college furniture...which is all of it....

I'm going to do a whole new color scheme, no more ugly depressing black, red and white. We're going lavender purple, yellow & white. YEAH. Maybe some orange thrown in there as well. a touch of green. BAM. It's going to take all summer, but I'm up for the challenge.

This monday resisting Monday Wonderful Cheesy Bagel day was actually very easy. I'm finding the further into this I go...the less I want to eat dairy. Does that make me crazy??? Maybe...I haven't had a real craving though. In fact I feel a lot healthier, despite you know...eating a shit ton of carbs yesterday on national "I'm hungerover day." (word misspelled on purpose)

Easter Hungover Owl

Let's also take a moment to give observance to the nommy vegan cookies that ended up in the office today.

One thing I did today was help construct step one of the epic Sassy overhaul that is happening to my career starting RIGHT NOW (well started a few weeks) ago. And epic step one was designing the title page to my site. So many choices, So little time!

Finally this one was picked & I am TRES happy with it:

Woot woot! (Putting up now since these blogs are obviously post-dated and it's already gone online.)

Enough of that, Back to veganism!

For lunch I got EPIC FALLFEL SANDWICH from "Desert Rose." A restaurant which we've already covered re: mob front & Mandy Moore. And I'm STILL convinced is a front for the armenian mob. When I called up the guy took 5 minutes to find a pen to take an order. Literally five minutes. Now this isn't sooo weird, but if you think this is a restaurant that supposedly delivers, and I was calling the delivery line. many places do we really think this delivers too? and why is it always empty?!?

But honestly, my falafel sandwich was BOMB.COM and huge. I attempted to finish it and sadly failed. It's interesting to me that a lot of the great vegan options come from the Middle East & Asia, places that are also so big on meat as well. Dare I say a meal like this makes me want to stay vegan forever? ohhh nooo

After work I came home to the most delightful surprise ever. FREE MONEY!!!

Well not exactly free money, but it was a refund on my taxes. WAHOO! This means I can finally go to the acupuncturist to get my back freaking fixed. It's been in such pain for months and I complain about it all the time like the old person I am. Ugh, I AM a single spinster at 25! NOoOoOOoOOoOo

In other news got through another episode of my webseries. YES. Episodes Intro, & 1-5, DONE. only 6-12 left. Lets see if we can get those all done by Monday shall we?

Honestly, other then that I don't have a lot to report today. In the records of the records this will go down as a day where a lot was accomplished but none of it was sparkling or dramatic, besides the 40 minutes I watched of dreamgirls before I went to sleep.

Hmmm lets make something up then...

I started a diary, got set up with my moms friends son, he turned out to be a prick, then I dated a prick who dumped me for someone skinnier, then the son showed up at my door on my birthday, then got in a fight with the prick, then aliens came and blew up earth.

Yup, that was my monday night.

Over & Out.

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