Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jour Cinq

Good Morning Vietnam!!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I've got to stop watching the news when I first wake up....or just wake up earlier so I can watch more of it. Every now and then I try to give fox news a try...and after suppressing the immediate urge to throw up I click the channel away.

Today we learn that Barack Obama is not only out of touch with the country, but spends to much time at Harvard. Something that's simply hysterical said by a multi-millionare who himself went to Harvard. Can someone PLEASE start paying attention to what's being said? PLEASE please please! Just last week the supreme court ruled that cops can strip search you for ANY reason, meaning if you're arrested for a parking ticket, YOU can be stripped searched. Corporations are people, Bush won the election...can we get rid of the supreme court now? They obviously are 100% out of touch with what their job actually is.

MOVING ON, today has been decreed as hippie day! well...just for me...and not even by choice. Mostly because my jeans I generally wear with this top are dirty and I forgot to do laundry last night because I was super busy....super duper busy *battlestar gallactica*

Okay to my defense, I only put in a couple episodes before writing my webseries. AH I am so excited to release it, and I wish I had photos that I could put here to like be all witty about it, but oh well.

Anyway , for lunch we got Mandarette which is pretty decent Chinese food. However we live in LA, so lets be honest, it's only going to be okay. That's one draw back for me about the city of Los Angeles, there's just no decent Chinese food.

In all the places I've lived (NYC, DC, DF) there's always been baller chinese food. My favorite place ever is called Chinatown Garden, it's in Chinatown in DC and I head straight there whenever I go back home. They have an AMAZING Vegetarian menu on top of an AMAZING not vegetarian menu. I don't care what you say Yelp. This place is Bomb.Com

Last time I went there with Lisa over X-mas we got stuck sitting in the window alcove which was annoying and super weird because they were like two feet away. Right away I picked up on how up-tight this couple looked. Like just polite missionary style (if ever) couple. So me and her launched into our regular talk...which involves you know, sex, vaginas, expletives. Not loudly or rudely, but just as is. Sure enough, the couple moved within minutes and we had a delightful window alcove to ourselves.

For lunch I made myself a DELICIOUS feast. Yeah I know I just went on a tangent about bad Chinese food, but whatever, hungry, don't care. Only problem is afterwords I realized...the spring roll I had might have had egg in it....or was it an egg roll? I don't know!!! This could be my first accidental break, it was totally un-intentional, my hunger just overcame my desire to save chickens and read the label.

Then for dinner....mmmm...are you ready? are you ready? M Cafe. (thanks paul!)

Now I HATED that restaurant before, I don't know why. I just did. Maybe Vietnam flashbacks from the old job that ordered it so much. But now I am obsessed with it. holy god, their vegan club.YESYESYES. Tempeh Bacon, Veganise, Tomato's, Avocados, carrots, organic lettuce, vegan cole slaw. YUMMMMM!!

End the day right with a visit from a friend to the office and then....MANI PEDI'S!! YEAH! WOMEN'S LIB!!! Okay, I just have to say, if you're reading this and you live in the city of Los Angeles, go get your nails done at Moon Nails NOW if not sooner. That place is like god's gift to women (besides president santorum of course). It's only $37 and it's worth every penny. And today I had the pleasure of being joined by Sammi.

After a few hours of spa pampering, discussing careers, men(boys), politics, friends, life, we very appropriately made our way to the Glendale Galleria to do some shoopppppppinnggg!!

Why I like the Glendale Galleria: It's the grove, BUT ITS NOT THE GROVE. Designed by the same master creators, there's parking, there's the same's not as crowded, it's not as "coveted" it's not as pretentious. Oh and also once I saw a petting zoo there. It does have a lot of weird a bathroom attendent...ostentatious decorations....but whatever, I'll give it that.

Another reason why I liked Glendale Galleria....THEIR EPIC H&M Oh my god, I could get lost in that store and live there if I had the chance...I went for two things. Hat & Black sweater. I only got one but that's okay. I got some rad pants & sunglasses too

Quote from Sassy, "Don't let me spend more then 60 dollars. Quote from Sammi, "Don't let me buy a grey t-shirt"

Welp that's cool. ANNND enter LA Friday night. I suggest that we check out the 4100 bar as I hadn't been there for a while. Honestly, I'm trying to find a new haunt, as we've already established Birds is no longer a variable because of sleaze factor. 4100 however did not make the cut.

I mean it was fun, there seemed to be a diverse enough crowd, but something about it just didn't feel right. Not in the sense that it was sketchy, it just did not have the vibe I wanted to be the place I frequent on Saturday nights. Maybe it's just to generic...yeah that's it. It's just a bar. SO if you want to go to a bar bar on a friday night with decent priced drinks, go to 4100!! How's that for a pitch?

However, I did have a blast with Sabrina and her friend Laura who just moved here. Ahhhh to remember those days. One thing I did not enjoy though was TWO guys, count them, one, two, who while walking past me LIFTED UP MY SKIRT.


Have we progressed so far as a society that it's now suddenly okay while drunk to violate women? Who raised these boys? It's lucky for them I wasn't angry Sassy last night or else I would have gone off on them like a motherfucker. I wish I had in retrospect, but it happened so quickly I didn't even have time to think about it. Men, here's an image I want you to remember.

So next time you think it's cute to lift up a girls skirt, or slap her ass, or rape her or trample on her freedom as a woman, remember she was once a girl, hanging out with her grandma, so excited and nervous to go dance in her adorable ballet recital for her parents. TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT.

On that note, I ended with two hefewizen's down (orange's are vegan!) and one gifted vodka tonic per a co-worker I ran into. Friday night complete and beyond satisfactory due to amazing friends :)

God Bless America.

Over and Out.

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