Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jour Neuf

This is what I woke up to this morning:

Today it is springtime! Le primtemps if you will. The weather entirely disagreed with me but I entirely did not care. LOS ANGELES GET THE FUCK WITH IT. STOP BEING COLD! I WILL HUNT YOU AND MAKE YOU MAKE IT WARM. ...sorry, lots of caps there. I just want it to feel like LA again!!

Since I worked out like a fiend last night, naturally I was hungry as a horse...I guess? Is this the correct expression here? I mean I know it is...but I don't know if I was quite that hungry. So you know what I did? Leftover's baby. That's right Hipster Falafel from Mob Front: Desert Rose for breakfast makes this hipster vegan friendly.

I also just realized I put up the wrong photo yesterday of me eating falfel was in fact taken today. Ehrm, yesterday...ehrm...(Yeah I write these 24 hours later) Instead I'll just put a photo of a cat.

Big news in the Sassy Re-decorating front. We're starting step one by getting an ACCENT WALL. OooOooOooooO. (now this blog is about being vegan and me re-decorating my room. That's cool.) Was going to do it myself because you know, I CAN DO ANYTHING, but then my roommate talked me out of it. So I'm going to go to work friday and come home to a magically re-painted purple wall!

For lunch I'll tell you exactly what happened. I ordered from Home - Los Feliz, like a champ, cause that place is just straight up Champ Status.

However what I always order from them is an assortment of Breakfast Burritos, but obviously I can't eat that now because there are eggs most definitely involved in Breakfast Burritos.

I remember when I first moved here, I had no idea of the glory of Mexican food or Breakfast burritos. I immediately veto'd it ALWAYS when people offered it. (I feel we've covered this already.) But then one Saturday morning(afternoon), when me and my freshman college buddies went for breakfast(late lunch) in 2004....I had it. It happened. The Breakfast Burrito.

It was like the sea parted and the angels sang. I can only implore you, that while in southern California, you make it a point to GET a breakfast burrito. And if you ever find yourself in Encintas, go to Rico's and get a JUSTIN BURRITO. I say this in all caps because you MUST GO.

The ex and I used to eat them all the time. It was a tradition that I give him mad props for and will always concede "Yes, that place is" You know...IN FACT, he still OWES me one. From when he bought it for me, brought it up...then gave into temptation and ATE IT HIMSELF!! WTF. Hey buddy, I'm lookin' right at you. Bring me my indebted purrito, STAT (well, as soon as I'm done being vegan). Kthnx

Back to reality, When ordering today's food I asked the very nice man on the phone if he could prepare one vegan. (btw, did not take him 5 minutes to find a pen, he had one ready). And he said YUP. and I said GREAT. and here we are...with the most delicious...scrumptious...mouthwatering breakfast burrito. Look at this beast.

While mid-nom fest, I got this lovely IM from the great state of Italy. (JK, I know it's a country). Which segway'd into procrastination on my blog and turned into a debate about religion, oppression...and battlestar galactica. Well the BSG came first, then the one sided debate went on...since I was working and could only participate about every 10 minutes.

Also, per OTHER Micah that I work with, (jeez, how did I end up with two?), this happened.

How is being vegan so easy? How am I going to keep things eventful on my blog? All I did was go home and write again/finish dream girls. I also started "The Queen" which was AMAZING. Uhm...this movie, is blowing me away. And also got me to really think about how much it must've SUCKED to be Princess Diana, sure she was rich, whatever, whatever, but dude. That life, that was no way to live. Paparazzi, you suck. People who like to see those photos, you suck too.

Soooooo yeah, Vegan day 9, rock solid.

Here's another cat:

Over & Out

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