Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 1

Duhhh Duhh Duhhhh. The day is here! And look at that, I've made it through without a glitch. Way to go me!! Although this could largely be due to the fact I've been freaking busy and running around all day like boss trying to squeeze in everything I can before I start work tomorrow. Gogogogo, do it all now!

So today it sunk in what will really be difficult and daunting: having to take all that extra time to go through the ingredients and be like "Can I eat this?. What does this ingredient mean!? SoyDairy?!" I know it's obvious, but it's a different when you think about it as apposed to actually doing it. I just don't want to be that girl super LA tone, "I'm like sooo totally sorry to ask you this, but is there any like dairy produce within 5 feet of my lettuce?" No. That will not be me. ...maybe.

The first time I tried to go Vegan was in college, which is just a STUPID idea. Not only are you broke as fuck, but all your friends are like, "hey, that's a STUPID idea. Our Cafeteria's staple meal is grilled cheese and Pizza and we all collectively only have 10 dollars, good luck!"

Photo Circa Dorms 2006.

Well my close friends were really supportive (re: making sure to "borrow" vegan bar), but the reason I actually decided not to keep it going was because they were so supportive and it kind of made me feel bad to put them out all the time...thanks for the love guys :)

One night I remember we all were driving around looking for a place to grab a bite to nom while watching a movie and literally every idea was like "oh Sassy can't go there." Finally we found a pizza place and I agreed on a strictly vegetable calzone, which after the guy cooked he layered in butter.

I mean, it was already difficult enough trying to explain to someone who doesn't speak engligh to please leave the cheese off the vegetable cheese calzone, I just sighed and accepted that being vegan at 19 just wasn't going to be an option.

But now we're all older and wiser right? I've put in an extra 6 years to that 'let down butter calzone' eating girl and this time I actually have a moderate bank account to buy my avocado rolls with. Plus on top of that at my work I'm in charge of what we order every day for food so let's be real, I have no excuse. It's super Responsible Adult 25 Year old Time!

Anyway, So my findings: Since today was so action jam packed I did all these pre-bought food from whole foods. For Breakfast I present to you Soy-Yogurt which was DELICIOUS. I was very hesitant at first and gave it the stink eye as I went in for a bite, but I highly recommend. Mix that up with some fruit and you are Good to Go.

For lunch I got a really nommy grilled tofu box from the Whole foods sushi bar. And that's what's going to be really cool about being vegan. My deep, deep love for tofu. Omg, give me some teryaki tofu any day of the week and I'm a happy camper. So also give that a try while you're their buying yogurt.

Aunt Amy's soup of course for dinner since I think I walked out with the entire store of them. "Oh it says vegan, Done. Give me 30" (I didn't really get 30)(or did I..?) Throw that in with some vegan granola bars by Nature Valley #omnomnom, fruit and veggies to snack on during the day. Why do I feel like at the end of this I will have lost 10 pounds? Hmmm, yup, totally okay with that.

So far so good. No cravings, tasty food. #veganhappy Just showed one of my roomates a piece of Vegan Cheese, his response, "Ewwwwww." So we'll see how that goes...

Let's see what the real world brings tomorrow, a certain Main Squeeze is gonna be pissed about me ordering hummus, but he'll have to suck it up. hehehe. (you totally love these shout outs)

I leave you with a picture of my cat.

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