Thursday, June 7, 2012

H to the izo - 8 Days

That's the song that came on while I was driving my electric car. Lets all take a moment to appreciate the art that is Jay-Z

As the eve of veganism approaches, I'm trying to wrap my head around how I feel about the whole thing. Will I stick with it forever this time (probably not) (want to). Will I be able to veto delicious delicious cheese every time it is placed in front of me? Ugh, willpower. You better be strong.

Strong it was this morning though as I got my ass out of bed and did INSANITY. The thing is with insanity is it's so insane you really just have to talk about it all the time, because of how much of a challenge it is, when you walk away from it, it's like, "Yeah, i f*cking did that! I can p0wn anything!" (except being vegan) 37/60 people. Lets do this.

For breakfast I was a champ and had a smoothie, god how delicious are these things? And actually vegan. So for all your vegan hopefuls out there, you do get to cling onto many delicious delicious smoothies.

Something I want to do this time around is come up with some more freaking creative breakfast's besides hipster english muffins. So let the research begin! Here's one site that I found in case ya care. 

In other news, I've almost come to terms with the results of the Wisconsin election and how those 52% of the people disgust me. Yes, teachers are just sitting on piles of cash that you're not getting. That's why they drive such nice cars right? No it's cool 1%, just bleed us out and keep your private jets. What is going on with this country anyway? Mitt Romney? Jesus Christ.

ANYWAY, cool deal today, Sabrina launched her online magazine which I'm SO excited about. You MUST check it out! Not only will she be covering awesome LA spots, trends, eateries but she will also be featuring this blog!! (oooo) 

For lunch today we got catering from Baja Fresh. And despite my whole, I hate corporations thing, the food was delightfully delicious. Again I forgot to take a photo! Ugh, must get back in blog mode. As a vegetarian I had a nommmmm fajita just w/o chicken. See guys! Not eating meat is easy!! Here's a cute picture of a chicken:

Overall today was relatively un-eventful. Unfortunately I have to keep a lot of what I'm excited for close to my chest. Ughhh...just want to BLOGGGGGGGG. Or maybe I just want to dance. No...probably a fair share of both.

One super cool thing is the date has been set for Rio ticket purchasing. JUNE 29TH! YEAH. Finally this is happening. Plan of attack, Rio, New Car, New apartment. Adult life upgrade complete! Woof this is going to take a year. At least it'll be set by the time I'm 26 and a half. Ehhhh

End today with an awesome sound mixing session for True Perfection. Nathan Whitcomb kind of rocks my world in every single way. Just thought I'd put that out there. #bestsoundmixerever Cannot wait to release this project! So long in the making. Here is your TP photo for the day. 

8 Days

Short Post Over & Out

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