Animals are awesome right? I mean, I totally think so. Maybe you don't agree with me, in which case you should probably click onto another tab right now. Just a suggestion.
Anywho, I love animals sooo much that I decided to stop eating them when I was 14. It was an idea that I had for quite sometime. I mean my godfather was(is still) a vegetarian, I never really liked the taste of animal carcass and my two best friends Jayne and Lisa stopped eating meat in the third grade. I really wanted to as well but my mom said "No Way. Eat your Chicken or you dont get to go on the World Wide Web, by the way is this napster thing legal?" ughhhh, whatever mom, being healthy and growing up with a correct diet is stupiddddd.
So, as I got older I thought about it more and more...I also thought about how f*cking delicious the Crisp And Juicy Chicken Restaurant is and how conveniently close it was located to my middle/high school. GAHH their grilled chicken was so goooodddddd, check it out if you ever have the chance. Here's the website.
Ninth grade came around and I made a new friend named Murphy. Now murphy was straight up Vegan and I inquired as to why, to which he said, "I just don't think it's necessary to eat meat anymore. If I were to go out and slaughter my own deer I would, but now there's so many substitutes for it, it's ridiculous to feed into the meat factory system that our country has perpetrated." ....or something along those lines. Lets just pretend I hung out with that caliber of intellect in the ninth grade.
But what he said made a lot of sense to me, EVEN after I decided he was a weird hippie. So I started doing research on them internets that my mom so graciously allowed me to use after I ate my chicken. And holy moly, look at all these vegetarians and yummy food options. And then it happened. I was at a friends house for dinner and his mom turns to us and says, "Sassy, Jayne, you're both vegetarians right?" And I reply, "....Yup."
Now the difficult part wasn't not eating meat, the difficult part was figuring out how I was going to tell my mom. I went with the easiest solution, SAY NOTHING. Which worked GREAT until one month in when she came back from the grocery store with bags and bags and BAGS of meat. Just freaking, Meat City Town. To which I had to say, "uhm...Mom, I need to tell you something...but first, what do you think Shopper's Food Warehouse's return policy on ham is?"
We reached an agreement that I would still eat chicken & fish, which worked out great for HER until I turned 15 and entered the "fuck you" phase of adolescence, to which point I said "Fuck you" and haven't eaten meat since. (Post-script: My parents have become very supportive of my choice and shower me with morningstar & tofu when I go home now, they're pretty freaking awesome. Thanks guys, Oh and sorry for the whole, you know, "rebellion" thing :)
What's been really cool, is by being a vegetarian for so long, I've really seen the impact of the movement grow. In 11th grade the fourth of July fair in McLean added veggie burgers to the food truck, tofurkey has become a very real thing on Thanksgiving and Hell, even Burger Kind sells veggie burgers now for $2.99....not that I know that...or ever go to the one a block away from my house and order one...
It really is just awesome that practically everywhere I go to eat, there is a vegetarian and even vegan option just starred and ready for you to order!
Which leads us to now.
This is cute:
The un-ethical treatment of animals is not.
(I would have put a photo there but that's not a google search I want to make. I'll let you make your own choice of whether you want to see one)
The way animals are treated for OUR meat & dairy consumption is un-arguably REPULSIVE, and as great as that shit tastes, that shit is whack. So I'm choosing not to be a part of it.
Starting Monday January 2, I'm going vegan for a month. And I'm gonna document it. I will be posting tips, secrets, discoveries, and the fantasies I will without a doubt have about eating cheesey cheeeeeeesy quesadilla's. And yes, I promise to keep my rants about the food industries ATROCIOUS treatment of living, breathing, feeling very much alive animals to a minimum.
When I told the main squeeze about my decision to go vegan his response was "Nooooooo, you're never coming back!" Who knows, maybe I will, maybe I won't. Maybe he'll just have to find a deep deep love for hummus in his heart.
I ask that if this lifestyle/choice pisses you off, you just kindly click away. I'm not interested in some "You're a fag" fight over the internet that gets us nowhere as a human race. What I am interested in is thoughts, insights, and appropriate discussions about vegetarianism and veganism. And also to hopefully convert a few "undecideds" to this side of the fence. (BTW, already got one last night. Lisa, my dear friend that gave it up in college is now back on the team)
Thanks for reading this, and now if you excuse me I have to go finish this Cheesy McCheese a-lot tomato pesto pizza. T-Minus 3 days.
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